Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bukit Merah Laketown Resort : On The Way~


Salam :minimo_13:

hohohoho. i am back from Bukit Merah Laketown Resort. as i stated before, we, the EVH students, went there for a field work, for the environmental microbiology's sampling, which was damn(sorry) fun!!

ok2. cter dr awal. right from i stepped my foot out of my room that afternoon (13/03/09) until i kat kl (15/03/09) . ok?

p/s: i left this entry as a draft(malas nye pasal). gle lm dlm bentuk draft...sorry2..was busy with reports and stuff..huhu

ok, i didn't attend any classes that friday (13/03/ my previous entry for complete version of Bukit Merah Laketown..ehehe). tak pegi klas pon, i still lmbt. i failed to catch the shuttle and then have to wait for a cab (for god sake, it's friday, people went for Friday prayer, and of coz sshhhhhhh nk dpt cab..huhu). waited for about 45mins. then finally this uncle sudi nak amik me as a passanger and anta ke UKM KKL(ag satu, jumaat and chow kit, not a good combination, mmg cab tanak ar amik customer and anta ke ctuh...huhu). smpai fac around 2.10pm. huuuuwww. tak jd hasrat nak g pizza hut. takpe2, there's always a next time. hehe :D

smpai2 jer kat fac, nmpk brg2 penuh kat tibe. whoaaaaaa, byknye equipments and machines kene bawak!! gler byk. ms tuh dh rs bersalah sgt2 sbb tak tlg pon dorang angkat bawak trun brg2 tuh dr lab ke tibe. huhu. nak wat cmne, klas pon tak g. adeyhh! dhlah tak lunch ag. hasrat awal kan nak g grab few slices of pizza from pizza hut. dh lmbt, kompom la tak jadi kan. at last g 7-E bli bihun 2 bekas ngan fishballs. mkn tuh jer for lunch!! huhuhuhu. takpe2, sedap jgak bihun tuh. kenyang jgak pe. eheheheheh :D tunggu punye tunggu, at last sumer org smpai(dorang dh lm smpai, g solat jer dlu). pastuh tggu la bas plak. dh tuh angkat2 brg masok bas. mcm biase, kalo trip, i prefer dok sorang2 dlm bas. TAMAK katekan. hehehe. no lar. i prefer having those seats all for myself. sbb, satu, i dgr mp3 dgn kuasa maksimum, and takot kaco org. 2, since dgr mp3, im not able to hear people talking. so, baek dok diam2 sorang2 drpd org bersusah payah nak ckp ngan i. heheheheh :D

dh tuh bermulalah perjalan ke Perak. my 1st time ke Perak :) jakun jap. bad traffics ptg tuh. dlm 10 mins tuh bp meter jer bas gerak. tmbh2 nak kene lalu la jln kat lrt titiwangsa yg mmg kompom2 terok gler traffics nye. huhu. so ape ag, pasang mp3(masuk2 bas dh pasang siap2 actually) then tdo!! haha. sedap seyh tdo smbil layan lagu2 dr Muse. hohoho.

rs cam dh bp jam dh kot tdo, then terbgn ble dpt msg kat no Maxis i. ishh. kaco daun btol org tdo. rupenye baru jer dlm sejam kot tdo! rs cam dh 3 jam. huhu. rs lm btol jer tdo. huhu. tbe2 aktif plak la operator2 Maxis and Celcoms(yes celcoms sbb ade 2 no celcom) ari tuh. mcm2 msg la org anta. sumer pasal JAKSA. huhuhu. adeyh. nak tdo pon susah. takpe2, layan msg smbil layan pemandangan yg agak..ermm, ok lah kot. sbb tak masok ag highway btol2. asik nmpk bangunan ang kilang2 jer(serius, sejak dok KL nh, naek muntah tgk bangunan jer. i miss Kuching so much. all the greens there, cantek). dh abes layan msg tuh, smbung balek tdo. keje dlm bas yg mampu dibuat adalah, lotsa sleepings and awakings. huhuhu. bgn tdo bgn tdo smpailah kat R&R mane ntah. tapah kot. KOT. hehehe.

sbenanye malas nak kuar. dh i nh ABC kan. so takyah g surau, tmbh2 bihun ade satu bekas ag, so takyah kuar carik mknan. so i decided to stay back on board la. malas btol nak trun bas tuh. tggl la i ngan Asiah jer dlm bas lepak2. pastuh cam boring plak. g la kat seats depan. sajer nak duk depan jap(dh i ske dok blakang). nmpk Ikah kat luar bas tuh tgh sorang2. pastuh die naek bas. die ckp die lapar(Ikah nh ade gastrik, so kalo die ckp die lapar, kene cpat2 bli mknan). so, mntak izin Asiah jap kuar teman Ikah. trun jer bas, jln sket dah terbau KFC! ishh. td tak smpat mkn pizza, skrg terbau kwn pizza hut plak. tp tak g bli pon sbb dh nmpk Dunkin Donut. ngeh3. faveret tuh. lm sgtttttttt dh tak mkn. nmpk jer trus ckp kat Ikah nak masok g bli donut. Ikah plak bli hotdogs. berabes jgak ler ble masok Dunkin nh. hehe. bli 3 donuts(2 vanilla bavarian yum2 ngan satu boston cream yummy) and a drink. mcm biase, caramel ice blended coffee. sedap wooo~ tp tetap takley lawan Caramel Machiato Starbucks(tggl kenangan jer).

dh sumer ade dlm bas, bas pon gerak la. Rose ckp jaoh ag nak smpai. seb baek la bli donut td. kalo lapar bleh mkn sket2. dh i amik bihun jer for lunch(ini bkn kes diet, nh kes tak sempat nk mkn..hehe). satu bekas ag bihun abeskan lepas bli donut tuh, right before everyone naek bas. then continue the journey, lm jgak rupenye nak smpai. tp last2 around dkat2 nak maghrib jgak la, smpaila kat Bukit Merah Laketown Resort. cantik sgt pemandangan die dr atas bukit tuh(before smpai ke resort area tuh kene lalu bukit dlu). smpai jer, bawak trun luggages and stuff sumer and then lepak2 kat luar and dlm lobby hotel smbil tggu kak shima check us in. lm jgak tggu check in. fyi, i satu bilik ngan Kak Shima ms kat hotel. since ade 17 girls dlm my batch, and each room ade 4 girls, so i kenelah jd rumet Kak Shima. hohoho. gerun plak rsnye satu bilik ngan bkn student(walaupun Kak Shima tuh sbenanye my Super Senior 1st batch..hehe). takpe, org len 4 org satu blik, i 2 jer ngan Kak Shima. hehehe.

so, that's it my journey to Bukit Merah. lepas nh i masokkan entry sepanjang i kat Bukit Merah Laketown plak. hehehe.

sorry, mcm biase, takley nak upload gmbr. internet tak ckup laju la nak support uploading pics masok blog nh unless im using broadband mcm certain KTSN bloggers yg slalu masokkan gmbr. huhu. hopefully by end of this month, Jaring dh masukkan WiFi yang laju mcm kat Kampus Bangi! tak sbr! even KKM kat Bangi yg ujung dunia tuh pon WiFi laju lepas complete installation of Jaring router. hohohoho. again, tak sbr!

nak tgk gmbr, nt i upload kat Facebook k? hehe. nak tgk kene lah add dlu kat Facebook(cara2 mempromote FB diri..hua hua hua). carik jer user pkai nick Ain Shaqirah Abdul Aziz or add ym pon boleh...hehe)

klah, jap ag nak type pjg2 pasal those 3 days kat Bukit Merah Laketown plak. hehehe. toodles!

:minimo_37: salam~

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