Thursday, May 7, 2009

Nuffnang and LG Blog Launch Party :)


(ini adalah auto-publish, right after the previous entry aku trus type nh)
aku baru jer reject invitations for LG Blog Launch Party.
jap td dapat call.
dr Nuffnang!!!

Ya Allah!!
aku lupe nak reply email nak confirmkan attendance aku ke party tuh!!
aku dah nyusahkan orang plak dengan kelupaan aku tuh.
sbb kalo aku tak g, dorang mestilah nak bg peluang kat yang tak dpt.
rs bersalah plak.
dahlah esok nye party tuh.
tak ke haru org yang akan ganti tempat aku tuh???!!!!

cmne plak aku leyh dapat invitations nh?
cam spesel lah plak kan?

kan Nuffnang ade buat pertandingan lengkapkan satu slogan LG,
untuk 50 special invitations.
so, kalo ko nak invitations tuh, kenelah lengkapkan slogan sekreatifnye.
aku join jer pon.
sajer jer menggedik.
nak tau ape die nye slogan?
meh aku tunjuk..yang bold adalah jawapan aku..

"Life's Good When You Blog Because blogging is addictive and when I am addicted to something as cool as this, my life is a total awesome, and my Life's Good!"

dan dan jer ko slogan aku tuh.
aku terpilih!!!!
aku ceklah email kan.
cek2 dpt email dr Nuffnang...meh2 aku tunjuk sket...

Hello Nuffnangers,

Congratulations! We are happy to inform you that you are invited to
attend the LG Blog Launch Party happening at:

Venue: Metropol Gourmet Bar, KL
Date : 8th May 2009(Friday).
Time : 8pm till late

A pair of invitations have been reserved under your name. You may bring
along ONE (1) guest to the party.

We've also chartered off a specific parking area for you should you be
driving on the evening. Kindly collect the car park sticker which will
entitle you to park for free during that evening from our office in the
following address:

Nuffnang Sdn Bhd (762669-K)
12B-5 & 12B-6, Heritage House,
33 Jalan Yap Ah Shak,
50300 Kuala Lumpur,

The theme for that night will be 'Angelic White and Devilish Red'. You may
dress up as an innocent angel or a wicked devil and who knows you might be
the best dressed for that night and bring home an LG 32'' Full HD LCD TV!

You may also stand a chance to win the latest LG Arena mobile phone if you
blog about launch party once you get home! More instructions will be given
after the party.

tgk tuh tgk tuh.
sonok btol aku sbb slogan aku terpilih.
tapi aku terpaksa reject :(

aku reject sbb kenangkan aku sebok nak kemaskan bilik mlm tuh.
Sabtu dh kene pulangkan kunci kat pejabat kolej.
and petang esok aku dah janji nak kuar dating ngan orang kesayangan...
dan dan jer aku dating.
wakakakakakak :))

sedeyh plak takley nak jumpe bloggers ramai2.
tapi kot ye pon aku g,
mane nak cekau baju all white???!
aku kalo pergi aku pilih Angelic White...
aku kan baek.....~~

sebenarnye kan,
aku risau mule2 sbb mane tau Nuffnang salah anta ke kan.
aku dapat email selasa ptg kot tak silap.
tp aku hold kunun nak tggu Rabu ptg bg keputusan.
(last confirm attendance adalah ari nh kol 12pm aku terlupe..tuh dorang call)
sbb takot bkn aku yang dapat invitations,
mane tau kesilapan teknikal terhantar kat aku kan.
skali dapat call td...
mmg confirm dah lah aku mmg dapat invitations.
tapi aku reject :(

bukan rezeki aku kot nak pergi jumpe bloggers ramai2 nh.
tapi aku tetap hepi sbb aku nye slogan terpilih n melayakkan aku dapat invitations tuh.
sape2 yang ganti aku tuh,
enjoy the party ye!!!!


p/s: esok kuar g jalan2...dating2...kunun2 lah...ehehehee... :P and a bit shopping :)


Fadhlah said...

best tau party cam tu...klu dapat party dari DiGi lagi syok...artis pelik2 jer diorang bawak masuk..

ASAA said... ke?

tak pernah lah pergi...hiksss....i mean party mcm tuh... :P

Anonymous said...

whoaa ain~rugiinye x pegi!bets je tgk rdemummy nye baju kn?gile red devil.hehe.i loike~
xpe la ain~next time ley g kn?kn?
makesure dah prepare dress cantek2 pasni k?
senang nk cekau.haha