it has been a while since i last blog huh? gler lama la tak blog. sumer sbb too busy with assignments and study.
well, today is 28/02/2009. for sure sape2 yang tau my birthday, akan tau what's the purpose of my entry this time.hehehehe.
seperti sedia maklum, 2009 is not a leap year. so, that means my birthday does not exist.huhuhu.
i was born on the february 29th 1988 at 7.26am(according to my kad baby tuh). which means, bukan nye i nh lahir like a few minutes after 12am la kan. kalo like that, i can blame myself sbb lambat kuar from my mom.hahahahahahahahah.not my mom's fault either.i yang degil sangat kuar lambat.hahahaha. :))
fyi, masa skolah rendah, i have a friend, a classmate la, she has the same birthdate as mine. so, we are like so excited la kan sbb sama birthdate. nama die Ira. manelah ira sekarang eyh? huhu. kalo la kot2 die bc kan my blog nh, nak wish la HAPPY A NOT SO EXIST BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! :)
ok. lepas abes jer primary school, masoklah junior high. masa junior high nh memang takdelah yang sm birthday :( takde sorang pon!! not sure la kan kalo masa i masok senior high, juniors ade ke yang sama birthday.hehehehe. :)
then masok la KMNS(kolej matrikulasi negeri sembilan). pon takde!! kecewa den! huhuhuhu.
pastuh masoklah UKM KKL. haaa! yang nh cter die best sket. on the 1st day i officially jd freshman kat FSKB(maksudnye ari 1st g kuliah), ktorg kumpul la kat Lab EVH tingkat 3(lupe blok mane, mcm maze.hehehe).masa tuh adelah pihak lecturer and PPSP tuh edarkan borang kaler ijau untuk 1st year isi.dh abes jer isi borang nh, of courselah kan borang letak atas meja sambil2 dgr ceramah dr lecturers(salam perkenalan, bkn start klas dah.heheheh).tgh2 dgr nh, ade lah cik adik manis(ekekekek) kat seblah nh tbe2 tye i :
cik adik manis : eyh, awak punye bday ke nh? (smbil tunjuk kat bahagian tarikh lahir kat borang)
ain: aah, yelah. bday kte. nape awak? (sambil dlm hati ms tuh ckp "takkan aku nak letak bday maen2 plak? minah nh kot ye pon tye soklan, masok akal la sket)
p/s: ms nh blom kenal, so kureng mesra. tmbh2 tgh dgr lecture.heheheh :P
cik adik manis : takde, tgk nh(sambil die tunjuk bahagian tarikh lahir die punye)
ain: (sambil tgk2 and ulang alik mata tgk die n i nye) eyh, awak pon lahir 29/2??!!
cik adik manis : aah. sama lah bday kte! :)
p/s: lepas tau jer bday sm, trus jd kawan rapat!! hahahaha.drpd kurang mesra tuh trus jd berkepit jerrr :P
untuk pengetahuan, cik adik manis yg diperkatakan adalah my coursemate named Nurhanisah Binti Zakri aka Anis. die nye sebenarnye kalo ikutkan timing, die lahir rightly after Subuh. so kire die kakak la with a few minutes difference.ngeh3. lepas ktorg blaja subjek Sains Persekitaran, Anis gelar ktorg nh as COHORT. bagi yang tak tau tuh, COHORT nh adalah someone/thing(s) which shared something in common. so, sbb ktorg nh sm bday, die gelar ktorg nh COHORT.and mmg bdak2 batch tau kalo COHORT tuh sape, ktorg la.hehehe.(tak tau la bdak laki tau tak, dorang a bit ignorance la.hehehehehe)
so, itulah cternye about me and orang yg ade bday yg sama dgn i.hehehe.
am glad la sbb at least kat ukm kkl nh ade jgak orang sm bday, coursemate satu batch plak!! so, i am not that alone la masa bday :) and thanks jgak to coursemates girls block F masa 1st year sbb surprise party yg dorang buat ms bday ktorg in 2008(tahun nh leap year ok!).mmg smpai ble2 i akan ingt party tuh. bayangkan, punyelah havoc dok uruskan bday party Asiah yg belated tuh(sbb midsem, so kene tangguh celebration).alih2 ari yg sm, me and Anis kene surprise balek.double party rupenye.and double cakes.belated and and Anis masing2 dapat patung kuma2 serupa.CUTE! :)
and thanks to anyone yg dah wish my bday today and also kot2 ade yg akan wish on days onwards! really2 appreciate it :) i know eventhough my bday takde, friends and family akan wish jgak. terharu sgt2. btol kata org : it's the thoughts that count.
till then people, toodles!! :)
p/s: i will blog about my childhood life soon!! hehehe. tgklah nt ble2 i free. byk nak blog about.heheheh.i miss the time when i actively updating my blog.huhu.
so, itulah cternye about me and orang yg ade bday yg sama dgn i.hehehe.
am glad la sbb at least kat ukm kkl nh ade jgak orang sm bday, coursemate satu batch plak!! so, i am not that alone la masa bday :) and thanks jgak to coursemates girls block F masa 1st year sbb surprise party yg dorang buat ms bday ktorg in 2008(tahun nh leap year ok!).mmg smpai ble2 i akan ingt party tuh. bayangkan, punyelah havoc dok uruskan bday party Asiah yg belated tuh(sbb midsem, so kene tangguh celebration).alih2 ari yg sm, me and Anis kene surprise balek.double party rupenye.and double cakes.belated and and Anis masing2 dapat patung kuma2 serupa.CUTE! :)
and thanks to anyone yg dah wish my bday today and also kot2 ade yg akan wish on days onwards! really2 appreciate it :) i know eventhough my bday takde, friends and family akan wish jgak. terharu sgt2. btol kata org : it's the thoughts that count.
till then people, toodles!! :)
p/s: i will blog about my childhood life soon!! hehehe. tgklah nt ble2 i free. byk nak blog about.heheheh.i miss the time when i actively updating my blog.huhu.